Virtual Assistant work’s low pay and repetitive?
Your $500/month assistant gigs are boring—how do you jump to high-ticket automation?
Here’s how I made $5,000/month with chatbot services—and you can too.
Build simple bots, sell them big—low skill, high reward. Here’s how to launch today.
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Start Chatbot Services
- Master a Tool
ManyChat (free tier)—built a “FAQ bot” in 45 minutes. No code needed. - Find Clients
Pitch 15 cafes—“$400 bot saves you hours!” Got $200 week one. - Create a Basic Bot
“Order now” flow—20 minutes. Client paid $300 same-day. - Bundle Services
“$800 setup + updates”—$2,000/month with 3 clients by month two. - Automate Management
Outsource tweaks on Upwork—$5,000/month with 6 clients by month five.
AI Bonus: How to Speed This Up with AI
ChatGPT—“Write a 5-message bot for a gym.” Build it, sell faster. Rytr ([Rytr Affiliate Link]) scripts bot flows quick—my “coffee shop bot” was done in 10 minutes. Writesonic ([Writesonic Affiliate Link]) adds punchy replies—clients love it.
Affiliate Callout: Start with ManyChat
“ManyChat’s my bot cash key—[ManyChat Affiliate Link]. Speed up with Rytr—[Rytr Affiliate Link]!”
Let’s Get Started
Your bot biz starts today. Build one on ManyChat, pitch it. More Phase 3? See “SEO Consulting” (link to that post) or my checklist (link to newsletter signup).